Stuff we enjoy

  • Funivia

    The Funivia!

    A fantastically fun cable car bucket ride culminating in a stunning view (with food and drink) at the top of the Sasso Del Ferro mountain that watches over the town of Laveno

  • The Ferry

    The Ferries

    Want to hop over to another town for lunch or market day. Or tour the stunning Boromean Islands. The ferry is right there and runs all day. Jump on and go.

  • The Boromean Islands

    Often called "the Jewels of Lago Maggiore" these three tiny exquisite Islands are truly incredible. Each with its own character and vibe. From peaceful verdant gardens, to a converted shopping and food filled fishing village, to a truly Royal island estate, it's a full day's worth of fun.

  • Local Restaurants

    Favorite local restaurants

    This is a growing and ever changing list. By no means encompassing everything. I’m sure there’s LOTS we’ve missed or not tried yet. But it’s a good place to start.